Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Looking for Ideas

Hello to all,

We are so thankful for your continued support! We have had many of you share your kind words with us about our recent San Diego delivery and how much you are enjoying the meat.

We are exploring ways to give our services a more personal touch and also create a community environment that we all can benefit from.

With that said, a blog seems to be the obvious solution. What we are looking for right now are some ideas.  We would like to know what you think we should have as content.  So, share your thoughts, keep it simple and let's see what we might come up with.

Again, thank you so much for your support of Glacier Grown.

Many Blessings,

The Dunhams


Christine said...

It would be cool to track a particular bison's life from beginning to end, just to give us an idea of what goes into raising the meat. But then again, we readers may get too attached...

Glacier Grown Bison said...

Hello Christine,

That is a great idea. I think if we come at it from a more technical view, it would be more fact finding and not so personal. I.E., what is the percentage of days in cold weather vs. spring and summer, what is the daily vegetation intake in summer vs. winter, etc. Not where did he go to school and who his/her buddies were.

Great Idea!!!